Many Canadian Musicians are expanding their performance opportunities and markets into other countries, including the USA.
The Canadian Federation of Musicians assists working musicians in processing applications for work permits for performances in the USA. Niagara Region Musician Association Members can process P2 Visa applications through the Canadian Federation of Musicians Office in Toronto Ontario.
The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) is recognized by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) as an authorized petitioner for temporary work permits on behalf of AFM member musicians. Therefore, Canadian members who wish to perform (work) in the United States may apply for non-immigrant work permits through AFM. The AFM provides the exact same level of service as immigration lawyers or visa service agents.
The AFM provides immigration consulting services to members and non-members alike. However, petitioning for P2 Work Permits is a member-specific service, processed by AFM’s Canadian Office on behalf of Canadian AFM members exclusively.
Regular Processing: Submit your P2 package to CFM *at least 45 calendar days prior to first performance. *US Immigration reports a processing backlog for Regular Processing
Premium Processing: Submit your P2 package to CFM at least 30 days prior to first performance.
For more details on working in the USA please follow this link to the Canadian Federation of Musicians P2 Visa Page. If you are considering working in the USA, or are a member and have decided to apply for a P2